Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
Kenya Launches National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention
Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of Drugs - Part 2
Collective Voice are delighted to welcome Dame Carol Black as the keynote speaker of our next webinar, presenting the findings from the second part of her Independent Review of Drugs.
Dame Carol's presentation will be followed by comments from Rosanna O'Connor, Interim Director, Health Improvement at Public Health England.
Dame Carol and Rosanna will then take questions.
Prison and Drugs in Europe: Current and Future Challenges
Objective: to discuss the results of the report Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges Insights with key customers.
Invited Stakeholders:
Evaluation of the Drink Wise Age Well Programme
A randomised, double-blind study investigating the relationship between early childhood trauma and the rewarding effects of morphine
Prevención e intervención asistencial en adicción a las TICs en menores y adolescentes
Prevención e intervención asistencial en adicción a las tics en menores u adolescentes.
El próximo 1 de julio de 2021 a las 19:00h (UTC + 2) tendrá lugar la masterclass online "Prevención e intervención asistencial en adicción a las TICs en menores y adolescentes".
Inscripción necesaria. Recibirás el mismo día del evento un enlace para acceder a la masterclass online.