
Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use. 

ISSUP The Gambia Launch

Event Date
ISSUP The Gambia would like to invite you to their launch event followed by a webinar on Community Resilience in Substance Use.

Law Enforcement in Prevention Programming

Video and audio recordings
An APSI Prevention Talk on how to appropriately engage law enforcement in the implementation of evidence-based prevention strategies, with specific reference to the prevention of substance use.

Alcohol and suicide

Scientific article
Drinking alcohol can increase someone's risk of dying by suicide. This is connected to both the impact of long-term alcohol use and the immediate effects of drinking. Samaritans and Suicide Prevention Consortium have conducted research...

The Role of Law Enforcement in Community-wide Prevention Programming

Event Date

Implementing evidence-based prevention programming at the community level warrants the support and involvement of many community resources—schools, health care providers, families, children and social services, faith-based organizations, and law enforcement, to list but a few.