Profile picture for user zaheerahmedmath55 Zaheer Ahmed Mian Afzal Trust Hospital for Drug Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Center.
Profile picture for user safyanahmedmath55 Safyan Ahmed Mian Afzal Trust Hospital for Drug Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Center.
Profile picture for user tahaghori15 Muhammad Taha Ahmed Ghori Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Profile picture for user khushnoodahmedziamath Khushnood Ahmed Zia Mian Afzal Trust Hospital for Drug Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Center.
Profile picture for user roshanahong13 Roshan Ahongshangbam ENLIGHTEN, Drugs & Alcohol Dependence Treatment Centre
Profile picture for user mohammadshamsulahsan_1 Mohammad Ahsan Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbagh, Dhaka
Profile picture for user mohammadshamsulahsan Mohammad Shamsul Ahsan BSM Medical University, DHaka, Bangladesh