Работа УНП ООН, связанная с употреблением психоактивных веществ и ВИЧ
УНП ООН подготовило резюме работы, которую они проводят в связи с употреблением наркотиков и ВИЧ.
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УНП ООН подготовило резюме работы, которую они проводят в связи с употреблением наркотиков и ВИЧ.
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There is increasing interest and evidence for the use of cannabinoid medications in the treatment of cannabis use disorder, but little examination of the correlates of successful treatment. This paper is a secondary...
Novel public health interventions are needed to address the toxic drug supply and meet the needs of people who use drugs amidst the overdose crisis. Safer supply – low-barrier distribution of pharmaceutical grade substances –...
There is a higher prevalence of substance use disorder (SUD) among justice-involved children (JIC). It is critical to ensure that JIC who report current use are referred for SUD assessment and potentially life-saving treatment...
COVID-19 dramatically limited the scale and scope of local health department (LHD) work, redirecting resources to the response. However, the need for essential public health services—including substance use prevention—was not...
Работники здравоохранения во всем мире поднялись на требования лечения пациентов с COVID-19, что потенциально сопряжено со значительными издержками для их собственного здоровья и благополучия. Растет признание потенциального...
Канадская общественная эпидемиологическая сеть по употреблению наркотиков (CCENDU) — это общеканадская сеть общественных партнеров, координируемая Канадским центром по употреблению психоактивных веществ и наркомании (CCSA). Сеть имеет...
В рамках Международного дня борьбы со злоупотреблением наркотическими средствами и их незаконным оборотом был проведен ряд мероприятий, включая публикацию Всемирного доклада о наркотиках, подготовленного Управлением Организации Объединенных...
This miniguide is one of a larger set, which together comprise Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide.
It provides an overview of the most important aspects to consider when planning or delivering health and...
A new systematic review and meta-analysis has found that alcohol-targeted brief interventions (short, structured, one-to-one conversations about drinking designed to motivate changes in risky behaviour) delivered in doctors’ offices and...
Among European countries, France is particularly concerned by adolescent tobacco smoking, especially in disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds (SES). We measured the respective contributions of parental...
تدعم مجموعة أدوات الأمم المتحدة بشأن المخدرات الاصطناعية المجتمع الدولي في تنفيذ تدابير استجابة شاملة لمواجهة مشكلة المخدرات الاصطناعية.
وضعت مجموعة الأدوات استجابة لقراري لجنة المخدرات 8/61 (2018) و4/62 (2019) اللذين دعيا مكتب...
Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan. 7 December 2022. The Regional Office in Central Asia of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC ROCA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan...
Состоялся запуск новой магистерской степени «Проблемное потребление психоактивных веществ с социальной и медицинской точек зрения ».
Мириам Каррильо, директор по профилактике в Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ, аббрев...
A video in Kiswahili with subtitles in English on the drug prevention and treatment project that the Casa Rosetta Association carried out in the Tanga Region (Tanzania) in the last 2 years as an implementing partner of UNODC.
UNODC in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control (MoNC) and the Ministry of National Health Services Regulation and Coordination (MoNHSR&C) and with the generous support from US/INL, is developing National Standards and...
To support the implementation of the Republic of Indonesia Act number 22 of 2022 which regulates the right to treatment and rehabilitation in a penitentiary environment, the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program (CPDAP) with support...
ISSUP Pakistan Chapter organized a seminar on "Substance Use Prevention Among Youth" following the theme "Addressing Drug Challenges in Health and Humanitarian Crises" in collaboration with TABA NUST SDG Student Hub NUST at the National...
Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) continue to pose challenges to law enforcement authorities, public health officers and policymakers as suppliers continuously adapt to control measures, thus remaining highly...