ISSUP Guatemala

ISSUP Guatemala was born in February 2023, supported by the organization COPRAES and INL: Cooperation for Addiction Prevention and the Anti-Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Section of the United States Embassy, respectively.

The opening of this chapter arises from the need to generate resources to train professionals in the area of demand reduction who can not only intervene in the field, complying with international standards and generate evidence that collaborates with the formation of policies based on the national reality, through prevention and education actions.

ISSUP chapter main goals: 

  • Create alliances with local governments, to work together, the issue of drug consumption, implementing training in the prevention and treatment of addictions through comprehensive programs, which allow generating important changes in communities.
  • Promote scientific evidence and its dissemination through alliances with local universities College of Psychologists, etc.
  • To be the best ally in the promotion of events and workshops that strengthen the country's institutions responsible for reducing demand, such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and the National Drug Commission.
This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.

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