Patterns of Cannabis and Alcohol Co-Use Substitution Versus Complementary Effects
PURPOSE: The purpose of this review is to discuss the literature regarding the concurrent use (co-use) of alcohol and cannabis and competing hypotheses as to whether cannabis acts as a substitute for (i.e., replacing the effects...
د بېنزودیازپین د الکولو د پرېښودلو د امر د پلی کولو وروسته پایلې چې د روغتیایی پاملرنې یو جامع سیسټم کې تنظیم شوی دی
اهمیت : د الکولو د پرېښودلو ساینډروم (AWS) یو عام ناروغ تشخیص دی چې په لومړی سر کې د بنزودیازپینونو سره اداره کیږی. د بنزودیازپین سره تړلی ناوړه اغیزو په اړه اندېښنې د بنزودیازپین د ژغورنې درملنې په کارولو کې دلچسپی راپارولې ده.
...Therapeutic community-oriented day treatment program for Korean women with alcohol use disorder: A non-randomised pilot feasibility trial
The prevalence of alcohol use disorder (AUD) among women in South Korea has been rising, causing public health problems. Yet women’s treatment needs are mostly unmet in South Korea due to the lack of women-focused...
د ټولنې په اصلاح کې د زیات استعمال مخنیوی: د چاپیریال یو سکېن
د روانی روغیتا لپاره ملی شورا د ناروغیو د کنټرول او مخنیوی د مرکزونو په ملاتړ د چاپیریال لپاره یو سکېن ترسره کړ ترڅو څرګنده کړی چې د زیات وزن د مخنیوی او ځواب هڅې په اوس وخت کې د ټولنې په اصلاح کې پلی کیږی. په دې هڅه کې د ادبیاتو کره کتنه ،...
Global, regional, and national prevalence estimates of physical or sexual, or both, intimate partner violence against women in 2018
Intimate partner violence against women is a global public health problem with many short-term and long-term effects on the physical and mental health of women and their children. The Sustainable Development Goals...
Problematic alcohol use in Mexican students: Transmission from parents to children
Introduction. Studies in various countries have shown that adolescents with a history of parental use of alcohol have a greater risk of presenting alcohol problems of their own, including binge drinking, driving under the...
Determinantes sociales de la salud mental: políticas públicas desde el modelo biopsicosocial en países latinoamericanos
En este artículo se expone la evidencia sobre la implementación de políticas públicas en salud mental, con el objetivo de describir los avances y los desafíos para poner en marcha el modelo biopsicosocial y comunitario...
Staff preferences towards electronic data collection from a national take-home naloxone program: a cross-sectional study
During the scaling-up of a national Norwegian take-home naloxone (THN) program, data collection methods shifted from paper-based to electronic. The aim of this study was to explore staff preferences towards the...
The prevalence and pattern of cannabis use among patients attending a methadone treatment clinic in Nairobi, Kenya
Cannabis use during methadone treatment may negatively impact treatment outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and pattern of cannabis use among patients attending a methadone treatment...
Función de la impulsividad en el trastorno por consumo de sustancias
La proporción de usuarios de una sustancia de abuso que desarrolla problemas con su consumo (abuso o dependencia) representa solo una parte de esta población. En México, el 63.8 % de la población consume alcohol, y de ellos...
Prevalence and associations of metabolic syndrome in patients with alcohol use disorder
Excessive alcohol consumption has been associated with different components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) such as arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes or obesity. We aimed to analyze the prevalence and...
د ASAM معیار ارزونه® د مرکې لارښود
د ASAM معیارونو® ارزونې مرکې لارښود د ASAM معیارونو ارزونې...
Effectiveness of e-cigarettes as aids for smoking cessation: evidence from the PATH Study cohort, 2017–2019
Objective To assess the effectiveness of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation in the USA from 2017 to 2019, given the 2017 increase in high nicotine e-cigarette sales.
Methods In 2017, the PATH Cohort Study included data on 3578...
The Synaptic Interactions of Alcohol and the Endogenous Cannabinoid System
PURPOSE: A growing body of evidence has implicated the endocannabinoid (eCB) system in the acute, chronic, and withdrawal effects of alcohol/ethanol on synaptic function. These eCB-mediated synaptic effects may contribute to the...
The Impact of Substance Use Disorder in Educational Institutions in Kenya: Possibilities for Mitigation
ISSUP Kenya are pleased to present their next Bi-Monthly Webinar on The Impact of Substance Use Disorder in Educational Institutions in Kenya.
This Webinar will discuss:
- Nature of Substance Use Disorder
- Epidemiology of SUD with...
Cannabis Industry Marketing Violations in Washington State, 2014–2019
Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe marketing violations from the cannabis industry in Washington State.
Method: The study team obtained records of all Washington State cannabis marketing violations from...
Bridging the Gap between the Pressing Need for Family Skills Programmes in Humanitarian Settings and Implementation
Intentional Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States
Abuse Potential of Cathinones in Humans: A Systematic Review
Introduction and objective: Assessing the abuse potential of new substances with central nervous system activity is essential for preventing possible risks of misuse and addiction. The same methodology is recommended for the...