Dependência Química: Quais são os tipos de tratamento

Muitas pessoas não sabem que dependência química é uma doença crônica que possui tratamento. Ela se caracteriza pelo abuso de álcool, maconha, cocaína, crack ou outras substâncias entorpecentes, lícitas ou ilícitas. Esse tipo de doença...

Early Warning at the Global Level: The UNODC Early Warning Advisory on NPS

Event Date
United States


Conor Crean, Scientific Affairs Officer, Laboratory and Scientific Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Martin Raithelhuber, Illicit Synthetic Drugs Expert, Laboratory and Scientific Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Fentanyl and its Analogues - 50 years on

ABSTRACT Fentanyl and its analogues are potent synthetic opioids, which are liable to abuse. They are often sold under the guise of heroin or prescription medicines, such as oxycodone, and this exacerbates the risk of overdose and...