substance use

Health Equity Urgently Needed for Females

Video and audio recordings
While females consume about half of the nonmedical use of substances, shockingly, less than 20% of people in treatment are females and this disparity is even larger in some countries. Explore why and the response needed in this new video.

HIV and Substance Use: Reading List

Reading List
World AIDS Day takes place in December each year. This reading list contains a list of research, publications and resources for practitioners relating to HIV/Aids. We also have a network dedicated to HIV and HCV where you can find a...

UNODC work relating to substance use and HIV

UNODC has put together summaries of the work that they are doing relating to Drug use and HIV. Here, you can find out more about the work that UNODC has done relating to drug use and HIV prisons and HIV HIV and the sustainable development...

Substance use and homelessness

Scientific article
This research explored changes in the tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use of people experiencing homelessness in the UK. Particularly, the researchers examined the following questions: what are the characteristics of people with different...

Mental Health and Substance Use: Reading List

Reading List
Mental health and substance use issues are commonly linked, and it is important that practitioners are skilled and knowledgeable in identifying and working with the potential challenges an individual may be facing. For World Mental Health...