mental health
CCSAD - Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders
Last year CCSAD hosted 1200 participants from 7 countries and 42 states. This premier behavioral health conference is dedicated to continuing education and networking, combining workshops and seminars on timely industry topics with an unmatched show-case of the industry’s products, services and facilities in our exhibit hall.
Alcohol Use by Adolescents in Ghana
Supporting Young People who Hear Voices & Use Drugs or Alcohol
There has been increasing awareness of the relationship between drugs and hearing voices in young people, but much less is said about what it might be like for a young person who uses drugs and hears voices, and even less about ways to support a young person in this situation.
Adiktologie Journal
Together Against Stigma 2019
The Together Against Stigma (TAS) conference is an international platform to discuss
Confluence of Suicide and Drug Overdose Epidemics in Young Australian Males
Young adult males experience higher mortality than females, and in age groups immediately younger and older, and with considerable variation in death rates over time. Trends in mortality and the causal structure of deaths among young adult Australian males over 1979–2011 are investigated, with a focus on suicide and drug overdose.
Comorbidity Infographic and Report
A Mobile Clinic Approach to the Delivery of Community-Based Mental Health Services in Rural Haiti
National Prevention Week
National Prevention Week is an annual health observance dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, mental and/or substance use disorders.
SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week will take place May 12 through 18, 2019.