
Reducing Opioid-Related Deaths in the UK

Robust messages for the government from the UK’s official drug policy advisers: Ageing profile of multiply-ill heroin users will continue to press up drug-related deaths. To counteract this pressure government must maintain investment in...

Opioid Abuse Linked to Heroin Use

Scientific article
New research published in the journal Addictive Behaviors has found the likelihood of 18- to 34-year-old nonmedical prescription opioid users having a prescription opioid use disorder has increased between 2002 – 2014. More specifically...

White House Eases Cap on Medication for Opioid Addiction

In the USA, Frontline report on changes in policy to allow doctors to issue more prescriptions for buprenorphine; new rules aimed at improving drug monitoring by federal prescribers treating Native Americans and military veterans