
Drink in moderation. A non-preventive message

Drink in moderation. A healthy, well-meaning and responsible advice, transmitted by the alcoholic beverage industry in all its advertisements, aimed at preventing the problems of excessive alcohol consumption. Right? I'm not so sure. The...

Live com Especialistas: Álcool e outras Drogas no mundo do Futebol - 05/08

O que leva uma pessoa a usar álcool e outras drogas? E quando esta pessoa é um esportista conhecido, tipo um jogador de futebol? Diversos atletas viram suas carreiras serem prejudicadas ou comprometidas devido ao uso dos entorpecentes. Alguns foram descobertos a partir de exames antidoping ou por terem perdido o controle sobre suas vidas.

Dealing with Feelings and Preventing Drug Use

*By Claudemir dos Santos and Rodrigo Flaire In another video of Prevent Always, Rodrigo Flaire – State Coordinator of Drug Policies of São Paulo – and Claudemir dos Santos – Technical Director of Prevention of COED-SP, talk about how to...

Alcohol and Immunity: Drinking can affect the body's defense

Abuse of alcoholic beverages can weaken the immune system and leave the body more exposed to diseases. Staying healthy and adopting habits that strengthen immunity are recommendations of health professionals since the beginning of the...

Marijuana: what the doctor needs to know

Marijuana is the most widely consumed illicit substance worldwide, with an estimated 192 million individuals reporting its use in the last 12 months in 2018, according to the 2020 World Drug Report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and...

Students with disabilities and the Pandemic

Students with disabilities, almost forgotten in times of pandemic, need to be included in order to guarantee their right to education. The pandemic collapsed our routine daily life and opened up the inequality that exists in society, and...

International Collaborative Prevention Research Award

The International Collaborative Prevention Research Award recognizes contributions to the field of prevention science in the area of international collaboration. This year, the award winners were Matej Košir and Sanela Talić,from the...

Live – Estágios do Impacto da DQ na família e a importância dos Grupos de Apoio

A dependência química vem mobilizando o sistema de saúde e ganhando visibilidade devido à complexidade na solução desse problema. Um número considerável de pessoas residentes em centros urbanos, tanto no Brasil, como no mundo, consome de forma abusiva substâncias psicoativas.

Constata-se que, além de uma doença, a dependência química é um grave problema de saúde pública necessitando da atuação em busca de estratégias para a prevenção, o acompanhamento e o tratamento dos usuários e familiares.