
Implementing the European Action Plan on Alcohol

Despite efforts to reduce concerning levels of alcohol consumption in Europe through adopting the WHO European Action Plan on Alcohol (EAPA), the region continues to have the highest prevalence of drinkers, heavy episodic drinking, alcohol...

European Drugs Summer School

Event Date

The 2020 edition of the 'Summer school on illicit drugs Europe' will take place from 29 June-10 July 2020. 

European Society for Social Drug Research

Event Date

The ESSD was founded in 1990 as an association of European social scientists working on drug issues. Its principal aim is to promote social science approaches (especially qualitative research) to drug research, with special reference to the situation in Europe.

Infographics: European Drug Report 2019

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
EMCDDA has developed a range of downloadable infographics to illustrate findings from the European Drug Report 2019. The aim of the report is to provide reliable and detailed evidence of the drug situation in Europes so that practice and...

Unplugged Newsletter

The European Drug Addiction Prevention trial team (EU-Dap) have put together their first 'Unplugged' newsletter! The aim of the EU-Dap project is to contribute to the evidence concerning the effectiveness of drug prevention programs. Part...