drug use

What Has Happened Since – 2020 Report

The Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN) was established in September 2000 as a network of non-governmental, voluntary organisations. Their aim is to reduce the consumption of alcohol and other drugs and support restrictive...

CND Blog Maps

From its beginnings in 2009, the CND Blog has aimed to ensure transparency and provide live records of the discussions taking place at UN drug policy fora. In line with these efforts, the CND Blog has launched an exciting new tool: a series...

United Nation Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Event Date

The Sixty-third United Nation Commission on Narcotic Drugs session will take place in Vienna, Austria, 2-6 March 2020.

The event involves the policy making body of the United Nations with the prime responsibility in drug related matters.

Drug Use Series from the Lancet Journals

Scientific article
Executive Summary The drug use landscape is dynamic and changing. Changes in public attitudes and laws towards drug use have occurred in an increasing number of countries. Global drug production and consumption are increasing as are the...

National Drugs Forum 2019

Event Date

The Health Research Board and the Department of Health will host the 2nd annual National Drugs Forum in Croke Park on 5th of November.

The theme of the forum is Inclusion Health: Responding to the complex health needs of people who use drugs. 

Drug Policy, Diplomacy and Public Health

Event Date

The 2016 United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem set the tone for the drug policy reform debate but moving forward, many fear that this tone will be lost. In this 3-day course, we will explore questions such as:

Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England

The National Health Service has been closely following the smoking, drinking and drug use trends amongst young people in England. The series of surveys began in 1982. The most recent 2018 survey questioned 13,664 year 7 to 11 pupils, mostly...