
Resilience: How to Thrive During COVID-19

Event Date

During times of extreme stress and uncertainty, such as we are experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common to feel anxiety, depression, and even traumatic stress. The psychology of resilience offers a way to transform these normal reactions to ones that support our strength and growth. 

COVID-19 et alcool

Event Date

Quelles quantités d’alcool sont bues pendant le confinement lié à la pandémie de COVID-19? Les Canadiens boivent-ils plus d’alcool qu’à l’habitude et, si oui, le font-ils plus souvent? Les présentateurs ont abordé la consommation d’alcool pendant la pandémie et ont notamment discuté des résultats de sondages commandés par le CCDUS au printemps 2020.

Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series

ISSUP Webinar
The first session of ISSUP Nigeria's Knowledge Update Series took place on Thursday 30th July 2020. It focused on experiences and challenges in delivering drug demand reduction interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, capacity building on evidence-based substance abuse prevention and treatment interventions, and the way forward.

EMCDDA webinar: COVID-19 and drug policy

Event Date

Background: this is the 6th EMCDDA webinar on the Coronavirus. It will be exploring with the help of three experts from Northern, Central, Southern European EU countries (Finland, Greece and The Netherlands) whether the COVID-19 related emergency is having or is going to have any impact on Drugs Policy.

World Drug Report 2020

Global drug consumption increases, while COVID-19 impacts markets, according to the World Drug Report 2020, released on June 25, 2020 by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The Report shows that around 269 million people...
Relatório Mundial sobre Drogas 2020

CONVERSATIONAL Practices in the area of drug use in times of pandemic

Event Date
Santiago de Chile

During the pandemic confinement, those working in substance use have had to look for the best way to deal with this period of uncertainty, rethinking, in many cases, new ways of continuing to support the people they work with.

CONVERSATORIOS Prácticas en el área del uso de drogas en tiempos de pandemia. del 6 al 14 de julio, actividad exclusiva para socios de ISSUP Chile

УНП ООН оказывает поддержку национальным партнерам в обеспечении непрерывности и устойчивости услуг по лечению, уходу и реабилитации во время пандемии COVID-19 для людей, употребляющих наркотики

Ментор УНП ООН инициировал вебинар, проходивший 24 июня 2020 года в Узбекистане. Целью вебинара являлось организация форума заинтересованных специалистов для обмена важным международным опытом по обеспечению непрерывности и устойчивости...
Сессия вебинара