alcohol abuse

Alcohol Use Disorders Webinar

The Progress in Mind Resource Centre held a one-hour webinar on alcohol use disorders. The webinar was delivered by Wim van den Brink, Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction at the University of Amsterdam, and Steve Brinksman, GP and...

Treating Alcohol Addiction with Positive Relationships

A ‘therapeutic alliance’, or in other words, a positive and trusting relationship between counsellor and patient, could be the key to successful treatment of alcohol addiction, according to a new study. Patients who reported a more positive...

Scottish Courts Rule in Favour of Minimum Price for Alcohol

After more than four years of industry delay tactics, yesterday’s ruling from the Court of Session in Edinburgh has finally paved the way for the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland, a policy approved by MSPs back in...

Identifying At-Risk Personalities

Scientific article
A new substance abuse prevention programme called Preventure uses personality tests to identify children most at risk of indulging in harmful drug-taking behaviour. The traits it has identified amongst at-risk children include: sensation...

Adolescence, Alcoholism and Interventions

Scientific article
Substance abuse entails a whole host of social, physical and mental health problems. A recent overview published in the Journal of Adolescent Health evaluates the effectiveness of interventions focused on smoking, alcohol or combined drug...

Alcohol Use and Cognitive Harm

Scientific article
Around 88,000 Americans die from alcohol-related harm each year. The physical effects of alcohol abuse, including certain cancers, heart disease and liver disease, are well-known. There is also much evidence that suggests alcohol can have a...

And the Winner Is….

Scientific article
To drink alcohol at sporting events has become the social norm. A new study conducted collaboratively by Eastern Health and Turning Point Alcohol and Drugs Centre has discovered that drunkenness and related harm in Australia tend to reach...