Designer Drugs
Designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests...
Drug Abuse Problems in Youth/Students
Drug Abuse Problems in Youth/Students A Message By Drug Abuse Control Society GC Women University Faisalabad
Narcotic Anonymous Pakistan 26th June 2021 World Drug Day Message
The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is marked on 26 June every year, to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving the goal of a world free of drug abuse.
Effect of Drug Abuse on Pakistan
Share Facts On Drugs, Save Lives The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is marked on 26 June every year, to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving the goal of a world free of drug abuse...
Kenya launches National Guidelines for Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention and Management in Basic Learning Institutions, 2021
Kenya has added another landmark in substance use prevention and management. In the midst of a pandemic and unprecedented situation, Kenya has developed and launched the National Guidelines for Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention and...
Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of drugs part two: prevention, treatment, and recovery
Substance Use Among Young Mothers: An Analysis of Facebook Posts
Background:Substance use among young pregnant women is a common and significant public health concern associated with a number of adverse outcomes for both mothers and infants. Social media posts by young women can provide...
Report on the situation of Mental Health and Psychoactive Substance Use
The Report on the Situation of Mental Health and Psychoactive Substance Use compiles relevant data on substance use and mental health, with the purpose of providing interested persons and decision makers from the public, private and social...
Grande successo per il lancio ufficiale di ISSUP Italia.
Lunedì 28 giugno si è tenuto il lancio ufficiale del National Chapter di ISSUP-Italy, organizzazione internazionale che riunisce i professionisti che si occupano della prevenzione, trattamento e recupero delle dipendenze da sostanze. L...
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Seventh Session)
Reporting treatment fidelity in behavioral tobacco treatment clinical trials: scoping review and measurement recommendations
Adoption of rigorous standards for reporting treatment fidelity is essential for advancing discovery, validation, and implementation of behavioral treatments. Whereas the NIH Behavior Change Consortium (BCC)...
Is telemedicine the answer to rural expansion of medication treatment for opioid use disorder? Early experiences in the feasibility study phase of a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network Trial
Telemedicine (TM) enabled by digital health technologies to provide medical services has been considered a key solution to increasing health care access in rural communities. With the immediate need for remote care due to the...
Plausibility of patient-centred care in high-intensity methadone treatment: Reflections of providers and patients
Background: Patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) often have complex health care needs. Methadone is one of the medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) used in the management of OUDs. Highly restrictive methadone treatment...
Abstract submission for the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Conference
Delegate abstracts are welcome for the SSA’s 2021 Conference.
- Oral paper abstracts – Monday 5 July 2021
- Poster abstracts – Monday 9 August 2021
Judges will review posters on both days of the Conference. Posters must be...
Becky Vaughn opens Vth Batch of UTC course by Ecolink Institute
Ecolink opens its Vth International Batch on UTC training
Becky Vaughn, Director of the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC), US inaugurated the Vth Batch of the Universal Treatment Curriculum on 29 June 2021...
Adolescent drug use before and during U.S. national COVID-19 social distancing policies
During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world have introduced lockdown restrictions and social distancing measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Researchers are keen to understand how these policies and new measures have...
Development of an unannounced standardized patient protocol to evaluate opioid use disorder treatment in pregnancy for American Indian and rural communities
Background: Opioid use disorder (OUD) disproportionately impacts rural and American Indian communities and has quadrupled among pregnant individuals nationwide in the past two decades. Yet, limited data are available about...
Reimagining brief interventions for alcohol: Towards a paradigm fit for the twenty first century?
Background: There is no longer support for the idea that brief intervention programmes alone can contribute meaningfully to the improvement of population health relating to alcohol. As a result, calls for major innovations and...
Cultural adaptation of measuring instruments on stigma and mental illness in Mexico City
This work is part of a collaborative study involving research teams in Canada and Mexico. The general objective is to describe the process of cultural adaptation and semantic validation of three measuring instruments on stigma...