
The 2019 North American Cannabis Summit

Event Date
Los Angeles

The 2019 North American Cannabis Summit will take place January 28th– 30th, 2019. The event will offer the opportunity for practitioners, researchers, policy makers and others interested in the field to learn about the most up to date trends and research, collaborate ideas, find out about the latest evidence based practice and address key public health issues.

The Intersection of Opioids and Suicide: A Prevention Approach

Event Date

The latest event from the National Prevention Week Webinar Series will take place on October 25, 2018, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT. 

The discussion will explore the relationship between the opioid use, overdose and suicide, with the hope that it will create opportunities for those in the prevention field to implement more effective strategies.

SPR 27th Annual Meeting - Call for Papers

SPR 27th ANNUAL MEETING May 28 – May 31, 2019 Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, CA CALLS NOW AVAILABLE: Papers, NIDA International Poster Session, Preconference Workshops, and "Brown Bag" SIGs Submission Deadline for ALL Calls...

Substance Use and the Maldives

There are decades’ worth of evidence from around the world to guide us; we need to follow it. Given the importance of the issue, I say let’s do all interventions that have shown promising results. But what does this mean for drug use in...
Substance use and the Maldives

Talking Pot with Youth

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has released a new resource for parents, teachers and other youth allies to help them prepare to have open, non-judgemental discussions with youths about cannabis. The Talking Pot...

What’s Better Than JUULING?

Event Date
United States

This 4-minute video highlights positive, healthy and fun alternatives to using the JUUL, other e-cigarettes and tobacco.

NIDA Easy to Read Drug Facts

If you are searching for a simple format way to communicate the key issues around drugs then the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website may offer a multi-media solution. The Easy to Read Drug Facts section of the NIDA website...
Screenshot of easy to read drug facts home page