
The UN SDG Action Awards

The United Nations Development Programme is accepting nominations for the Sustainable Development Goal Action Awards.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

The National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week links students with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, social media, TV, movies, music, or from friends. Click here for...

SPR 2019 Awards Nominations

The Society for Prevention Research are now accepting nominations for their 2019 Awards. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, February 28, 2019. The 11 different awards are designed to recognize excellence in the areas consistent with...

The Evidence Podcasts

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has produced a new series of podcasts that are investigating and reviewing the evidence on alcohol, cannabis, opioids, stigma and more. Each month, The Evidence podcast will feature...

International Women's and Children's Health and Gender Group (In Women's Conference)

Event Date
San Antonio

The 2019 International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender (InWomen’s) Group conference will return in conjunction with CPDD and the NIDA International Forum for its 11th meeting with a focus on the following:

How the Global Opioid Epidemic is Affecting Women and Families; and Marijuana-Use Among Children, Teens, and Young Adults.