
Prevention Plus Wellness Youth and Teacher Resources

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) provides easy to use evidence-informed resources to help prevention and health specialists and parents prevent youth and young adult alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, e-cigarette, and opioid use while promoting...

SPR Annual Meeting

Event Date
Washington, DC

Mark your calendars to attend the most important prevention science conference – the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 28th Annual Meeting that will be held in Washington, DC, May 26 – May 29, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. This year’s theme is “Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science.”

Teen E-Cigarette Use Doubles Since 2017

Data from the 2019 Monitoring the Future Survey of 8th, 10th and 12th graders show alarmingly high rates of e-cigarette use compared to just a year ago, with rates doubling in the past two years. The Monitoring the Future Survey analyses...

Prioritising Action on Alcohol for Health and Development

Scientific article
Globally, alcohol consumption is estimated to cause more than 10% of the burden of noncommunicable diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, respiratory disease, pancreatitis, cancers (oral and pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver...

Substance Use Disorder in the African American Community

Event Date

The purpose of this workshop is to provide education on substance use in the African American community. By participating in this workshop, participants will become educated on substance use and the