
Research Project Grant

Funding Opportunity Title Interventions to Prevent Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) Use Among Adolescents Funding Opportunity Description The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to support research to test the...

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Coordinators Series

The UPC Coordinators Series provides a 288-hour training programme for prevention coordinators, managers, and students/trainees whose role includes, or will include coordination and supervision of the implementation of prevention...

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Series for Implementers

UPC Implementers Series is written for implementers or practitioners who work with families, in schools, the workplace, and the community. The aim of the series is to provide knowledge about prevention science and its application to the...

SPR 2020 Annual Meeting

Event Date
Online Event
United States
The SPR Annual Meeting provides a unique opportunity to advance the vision of SPR by providing a centrally integrated forum for the exchange of new concepts, methods, and results from prevention research and related public health fields; and by providing a forum for the communication between scientists, public policy leaders and practitioners concerning the implementation of evidence-based preventive interventions in all areas of public health.

Local addiction prevention policies

Event Date
Buenos Aires
This webinar will address the development of local strategies, focusing on tools to engage civil society organizations, community leaders, scientific societies and citizen collectives.

Primary Prevention in a Post-Covid World

Video and audio recordings
Webinar recording: Pall Rikhardsson, Service Development Manager, ICSRA; Emmet Major, Community Liaison, Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Ireland; Samantha Menezes: Program Quality and Practice Lead - Local Drug Action Team...