
1st Uganda Childrens' Summit-Report

There has been a tremendous increase in the access to internet by children during the COVID 19 Lockdown which has increased exposure of children to drugs, crime and violence among children since children are not in schools. Exposure of...
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Congratulations to Livia Edegger on winning the 2021 International Collaborative Prevention Research Award

It is with great pleasure that we share the news that our Deputy Director, Livia Edegger, has been awarded the 2021 International Collaborative Prevention Research Award by the Recognition and Honors Committee with nominations from the membership of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR).

ISSUP Lebanon Updates - Jan-Jun 2021

On February 2021, ISSUP Lebanon hosted its first webinar of the year entitled, ‘Prevention of Drug Use and Other Risky Behaviours in Youth: From Evidence to Policy and Programs’, with Lilian Ghandour, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the American University of Beirut on substance use epidemiology and evidence-based prevention programs.