Profile picture for user penelope.laycock Penelope Laycock University of Glasgow/University of Strathclyde
Profile picture for user xlevente Christonikos Leventelis Organisation Against Drugs, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Profile picture for user lukenelizaso Lukene Lizaso Elizondo AGIPAD (Asociacion Guipùzcoana de Prevencion e investigacion de abuso de drogas)
Profile picture for user treflyn Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts ISAAC (International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition)
Profile picture for user ke4.fiiapp francesco lo iacono EU-ACT European Action Against Drug and Organised Crime
Profile picture for user boriz35 Boris Lobobdov Medical Center :"Semya" , Non Governmental Clinic for the treatment of Addicts
Profile picture for user lomb.step Giuseppe Michele Lombardo Italian Society of Drug Dependence (SITD)