Profile picture for user mayumyrojas Mayumy Rojas Centro de salud menatal comunitario Talavera - Apurimac
Profile picture for user edithrojas1504 Edith Teresa Rojas Vera Ministerio de Salud Publica / Ministerio de Defensa
Profile picture for user daniela.roldang Daniela Roldán García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Profile picture for user cgamorporsiempre Claudia Elena Pacoricona Bramon de Roman Roman Pacoricona Ministerio de salud
Profile picture for user cgamorporsiempre_1 Claudia Elena Pacoricona Bramon de Roman Roman Pacoricona Ministerio de salud
Profile picture for user brianromano1 Brian David Romano Dirección Nacional de Salud Mental y Adicciones, Argentina
Profile picture for user innyromero Ingrid Romero Centro de Prevencion y Tratamiento de Adicciones(CPTA) de FOSALUD
Profile picture for user yronsard KOUMA YAO KOUAKOU RONSARD ODONKOR Minister of State, Minister of Interior and security (Drug control Interministerial Commitee)
Profile picture for user boueclementine KOUMA Ronsard Odonkor COMITE INTERMINISTERIEL DE LUTTE ANTI DROGUE (CILAD)
Profile picture for user rashiduzzaman79 Rashiduzzaman Rony Asroy Neer, Drug Addiction Treatment Center
Profile picture for user rhmrony1981 R.H.M Rony Rainbow, Treatment & Rehabilitation center for Drug Addiction & Related Disorders
Profile picture for user andresfrosado andres felipe rosado zuñiga centro medico cognitivo e investigacion
Profile picture for user andresfrosado1 andres felipe rosado zuñiga centro medico cognitivo e investigacion
Profile picture for user lic_juvissarosales JUVISSA CAROL ROSALES DEL ROSARIO Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario "Madre del Perpetuo Socorro" de Bellavista.