Healing Families, Helping Systems: A Trauma-Informed Practice Guide for Working with Children, Youth & Families
This guide is concerned with advancing understanding and action about trauma-informed approaches that support program and service delivery for/with children, youth, and families. A trauma-informed approach is a system-wide approach that is...
Stigmatising imagery for substance use disorders
Stigma is a barrier to treatment for individuals with substance use issues. Although there has been research conducted exploring the impact of stigmatising language, less is known about the effects of stigmatising images.
Introduction to Forensic Substance Use Evaluation
Children and families affected by parental drug use
“Alcohol marketing to LGBTQ+ people”
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 24 May 2023: "Alcohol marketing to LGBTQ+ people: Evolving strategies to target identity", by Dr David Whiteley .
Introduction to SAMHSA 4E’s Modern and Comprehensive Prevention System
SAMHSA recently introduced the 4 E’s as a “Modern and Comprehensive Prevention System” to support the work of prevention providers in States and communities.
The 4 E’s: Early Action, Easy Access, Equitable Opportunities and...
How alcohol consumption contributes to chronic pain
A team showed how both alcohol intake and alcohol withdrawal can lead to increased pain and hypersensitivity.
Chronic alcohol consumption may make people more sensitive to pain through two different molecular mechanisms -- one driven by...
National Drug Observatories from Latin American and Caribbean countries meet in Lisbon for ‘COPOLAD week’
National Drug Observatories (NDOs) from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries are gathering in Lisbon from 22–26 May for a week of activities under the COPOLAD III programme.
The overarching theme of the initiative will be...
UNODC supported delegations from four Central Asian countries in a high-level study tour to the United Kingdom
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) together with the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) organized a study tour for high-level representatives, including senior officials, policymakers and substance...
Implementation and workflow strategies for integrating digital therapeutics for alcohol use disorders into primary care: a qualitative study
Alcohol use disorders (AUD) are prevalent and often go untreated. Patients are commonly screened for AUD in primary care, but existing treatment programs are failing to meet demand. Digital therapeutics include...
Австралияда артық дозалану және есірткіге негізделген басқа да өлім-жітім үрдістері
Бұл есепте 2002-2021 жылдар кезеңiн қамтитын Австралияда артық дозаланған және есiрткiден қайтыс болғандар туралы ең соңғы және терең деректер ұсынылған. Бұл 20 жылдан астам уақыт бойы Есірткі трендтері шығарған есірткіні шамадан тыс...
Жерорта теңізі аймағында жасөспірімдік субстанцияларды пайдалану және қауіп-қатер мінез-құлқы
Еуропа Кеңесі құрлықтың жетекші құқық қорғау ұйымы болып табылады. Оның құрамына 46 мүше мемлекет кірді, олардың 27-сі Еуропалық Одаққа мүше. Еуропа Кеңесіне мүше барлық мемлекеттер Адам құқықтары жөніндегі Еуропалық конвенцияға...
Есеп: «Балалық шақтың қолайсыз тәжірибесі мен есірткі тұтыну арасындағы нексусқа жауап беру» тақырыбындағы коллоквиум
Pakistan Youth Organization organized side event to showcase common position on drugs during CND
Pakistan Youth Organization (PYO) in collaboration with VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group has organized a hybrid side event in MEO 79 to showcase a common position on drugs drafted by VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group in Vienna...
UK Drug Strategy
The International Journal of Drug Policy has published a special collection of articles focusing on UK drug strategy.
The collection includes:
- Introduction to special section on UK drug strategy
- Words matter: A commentary on the new...
Cannabis: Reading List
Of all illicit substances, cannabis stands out as the most extensively cultivated, trafficked, and misused. It has significant effects on the human body and mind, altering sensory perceptions, mood, cognitive abilities, motor coordination...
Health Equity Urgently Needed for Females
While females consume about half of the nonmedical use of substances, shockingly, less than 20% of people in treatment are females and this disparity is even larger in some countries. Explore why and the response needed in this new video.
ITTC South Africa Online (Live) SBIRT Training 5 CPD Points
What Are The Five Stages Of Change?- A Blog Dedicated to Educate the Families of people with Addiction
The blog is a rich source of learning.
You may read the information at your pace.
Share with the clients and their families to equip themselves with the simple strategies to take steps towards more recovery and less relapse.