
Әсерлі прогрестің негізінде ынтымақтастық күші жатыр. Біз нашақорлық ғылымы саласындағы ғылыми-зерттеу және жоғары оқу орнынан кейінгі бағдарламаларды бірлесіп алға жылжытқандықтан, МАХСА университетімен серіктестігіміздің тереңдетілгені туралы жариялауға тырысамыз.
The ISSUP Scientific Council invites you to its inaugural webinar, "Prevention Systems: An ISSUP Scientific Council Discussion."
Representatives from ISSUP Czech Republic had the opportunity to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024 conference during October 2024. Our colleagues who gave oral presentations were: Mgr. Gabriela Rolová, Ph.D., - presented a national longitudinal health registry study aimed at analyzing all-cause and cause-specific mortality among long-term prescription opioid users in Norway.
In our latest newsletter we welcome the new Chair of the ISSUP National Chapters Advisory Committee, Roger Weimann, and bring you a full roundup of recent activities and upcoming events.
Nos complace anunciar que ya está жауапсыз la cuarta edición del Boletín Informativo de la ISSUP Colombia.
Last week the Botswana Association of Addiction Professionals - BAAP / ISSUP Botswana had the honour of participating in the Botswana Police Service Youth Dialogue panel discussions, centred around the theme: "I Am Affected: Breaking the Cycle of Gender-Based Violence, Substance Use, and Improving Mental Health."
We are excited to welcome Roger Weimann as the new Chairperson of the ISSUP National Chapters Advisory Committee. Roger is presently the Deputy Director of ISSUP South Africa and hitherto, served as the Director of the South African National Chapter for 4 years.
ITSUP Колумбия Сізді кокаинді пайдаланудың токсикологиялық аспектілері бойынша вебинарға шақырады
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the 25th session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Non-Conventional Psychoactive Substances in Nigeria: Understanding Trends and Implications for Public Health'.