Uzobo, E., Scent, G. A. T., Moroyei, B. O., & Owutuamor, E. F. (2023). Sports betting and depression among youths in the South-South region of Nigeria. Adiktologie, 23(2), 145–157.
BACKGROUND: It has been noted that those addicted to gambling are at a high risk of developing mental health problems such as depression.
AIMS: This study was designed to determine the effect of participating in sports betting on depression of young people in Nigeria.
METHODS: This study adopted a cross-sectional respondent-driven approach to study 286 youths who have engaged in sports betting in Nigeria, using Yenagoa city in Bayelsa State as a case study from September to November 2020. Primary data for this study was sourced mainly through the use of a questionnaire, while data...
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to their next Bi-monthly Webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This Webinar will be on the topic of 'Community support system of care for people in recovery'.
ISSUP Nigeria are pleased to present their next Bi-Monthly Webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This Webinar will focus on the topic 'Driving change through addiction prevention advocacy: Strategies for lasting impact and effective messaging'.
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 18 Luglio 2023
Il 7 luglio 2023, il segretario di Stato americano Antony Blinken ha ospitato una riunione virtuale a livello ministeriale per lanciare una coalizione globale per affrontare le minacce delle droghe sintetiche.
ISSUP Nigeria vorrebbe invitarvi al loro prossimo webinar bimestrale nella serie di aggiornamenti della conoscenza. Questo webinar si concentrerà sul tema "Guidare il cambiamento attraverso la difesa della prevenzione delle dipendenze: strategie per un impatto duraturo e una messaggistica efficace".
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 5 Giugno 2023
Giovedì 1 giugno, l'OMS ha lanciato l'Expert Committee on Drug Addiction (ECDD) Information Repository, che fornisce agli operatori sanitari e agli esperti di politiche sulle droghe un unico database ricercabile per accedere liberamente a tutti i rapporti tecnici su oltre 450 sostanze esaminate dall'ECDD.
ISSUP are pleased to present the Second Session in the Webinar Series on Stigma and Substance Use. The Second Session will be hosted by ISSUP Nigeria on the topic of 'Stigma, Family and Community'.
Ogbuabor, D.C., Ogbuabor, A.O. & Igwe, M.C. Determinants of cigarette smoking and smoking frequency among women of reproductive age in Nigeria: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 18, 20 (2023).
In the entire world, smoking is a major contributor to preventable deaths and years of life with a disability. Nevertheless, little is known about the factors that influence women's smoking habits. This study evaluated the factors that influence smoking and smoking frequency among Nigerian women of reproductive age.
Methods and materials
This study uses information from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) (n = 41,821). The data were adjusted for sampling weight, stratification, and cluster sampling design. Smoking status and frequency (daily and occasional...
ISSUP Nigeria desidera invitarvi al loro prossimo webinar bimestrale nella serie di aggiornamento delle conoscenze. L'argomento di questo webinar è "Salute mentale e abuso di sostanze".
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 27 Gennaio 2023
Il Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC) è alla ricerca di volontari per partecipare al test pilota dell'esame ICAP per la prevenzione scolastica e familiare.
The VNGOC together with NYNGOC and the UNODC Civil Society Unit is organizing an online side event in the margins of the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on 31 January 2023 at 8.30 AM. The event is titled: The central role of civil society in drug policies, COVID-19 and achieving the 2030 Agenda
VNGOC are looking for 3-4 civil society speakers from different regions wishing to present at the event, focusing on concrete examples of actions towards the 2030 targets and effective, evidence-based drug policies.
The side event will highlight the important role of civil society in...
ISSUP Nigeria vorrebbe invitarvi al loro prossimo webinar bimestrale nella serie di aggiornamenti della conoscenza. Questo webinar sarà incentrato su "Disturbi da uso di sostanze (SUD) nella schizofrenia: approccio attuale alla gestione".
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 27 Ottobre 2022
Due università in Nigeria sono state approvate per offrire corsi post-laurea in prevenzione, trattamento e standard politici sull'uso di sostanze come corso internazionale.
Il National Dangerous Drugs Control Board ha orgogliosamente pianificato di condurre un Simposio internazionale sugli studi relativi alla droga 2022 che si terrà dal 1 ° al 2 dicembre 2022 a Colombo, nello Sri Lanka, per facilitare lo...
ISSUP Nigeria vorrebbe invitarvi al loro prossimo webinar bimestrale nella serie di aggiornamenti della conoscenza. Questo webinar sarà incentrato su "L'uso della metanfetamina in Nigeria: analisi delle tendenze e delle minacce".
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 17 Agosto 2022
The training on Universal Treatment Curriculum 1 & 2 organized by Foundation for Changing Lives Against Substance Abuse (FOCLASA) took place between 1st to 6th August, 2022 at the conference hall of Smile View Hotel, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Mpanza, D.M., Govender, P. & Voce, A. Perspectives of service providers on aftercare service provision for persons with substance use disorders at a Rural District in South Africa. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 17, 60 (2022).
Aftercare programs for people with substance use disorders (PWSUD) are frequently challenged with a number of overlapping obstacles, including uncertain policy consequences and a lack of resources. Despite demographic variety, service providers in South Africa are obligated to offer aftercare programs that effectively reintegrate people with PWSUD into society, the workforce, family, and community life, as specified by Act No. 70 of 2008. Little is known about the availability of aftercare services in South Africa, particularly in rural areas. This paper investigates service...