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Michael Anguria

Konferensi Virtual ICUDDR 2021

Shared by Michael Anguria -
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Event Date
City/Region/State or Online
Washington, D.C.
Event Type

Konferensi Virtual ICUDDR 2021 akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 20 &21 Juli 2021.

Tema: "Mempertahankan dan Mengadaptasi Ilmu Kecanduan ke Realitas Virtual"


Michael Anguria

Greetings friends and Partners .

My Organisation SAF-TESO being a human rights advocacy organisation
based in Soroti, Teso sub-region ,Eastern Uganda  is involved  mainly
in  drug ,alcohol and substances prevention  through awareness rasing,advocacy in
schools, communities , capacity building  for many groups such as
juvenile youth, adolescent youth and teenage people. SAF-Teso is
involved in work place prevention ,school based and community based
prevention programs .

We also carry out media advocacy , press meetings, focus group discussions and dialogues with various groups, we collaborate   with CSOs, media outlets ,Human Rights Defenders, Activists , Journalists ,civil and political /elected leaders in the Teso sub-region to share information and knowledge on  drug demand reduction .

SAF-Teso works with lower local governments to support them with dissemination and mainstreaming of drug prevention programs in their workplans and budgets .

The organisation uses multi-sectorial approach of drug prevention by partnering and collaborating  with both state and non sate actors  to enhance our prevention strategies, the  various groups have been reached with prevention programs .

SAF-TESO also conducts Health Education , family outreaches for counselling, information sharing ,and looking for cases of GBV,DV and any form of abuse especially on women ,girls' and children , communication ,publications, Research ,data collection, surveys , assessments   and online publications and  networking and partnership with CSOs and organizations doing treatment, care and support provision .

We are looking for collaborating and funding partners. Thank you and we welcome your support .

Kindness regards from  Michael Anguria,

WhatsApp Number :+256781242684,email:safteso [at] gmail [dot] com (safteso[at]gmail[dot]com)/shineafricaministries [at] gmail [dot] com (shineafricaministries[at]gmail[dot]com)