Strategi untuk Mengatasi Stigma: Mengatasi Gangguan Penggunaan Zat di Inggris Raya
ISSUP UK Re-Establishment Notice
ISSUP UK Concludes First INEP Plus Course
On 4 June 2024, ISSUP UK concluded its first Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention (INEP) Plus course, a collaborative effort between the University of West London, ISSUP UK, ISSUP Global, and Charles University (CUNI) in Prague, who developed the course material.
Intervensi untuk Mendukung Individu Tunawisma dengan Masalah Penggunaan Zat di Inggris
ISSUP UK INEP Plus course underway
The first INEP-UK Plus course started in February 2024 and the participants are practitioners of many disciplines with some also working in policy, commissioning and public health areas. They are of different professional background including health, education, criminal justice and social care sectors.
Kursus ISSUP UK INEP Plus Mulai 30 Januari 2024
ISSUP UK dengan senang hati mengumumkan dimulainya kursus INEP Plus mereka, yang dimulai pada 30 Januari dan akan berlangsung hingga 4 Juni 2024. Kursus ini akan dipimpin oleh pelatih bersertifikat, Assoc. Prof Raffaella Marghe Milani dan Dr Luisa Perrino dari University of West London.
We are excited to offer the first UK Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention (INEP)-Plus course!
The course is the result of a collaboration between Charles University (CUNI) in Prague (development of the online learning materials), the ISSUP UK Chapter (hosted by Middlesex University) and the University of West London, which provides the INEP certified trainers Assoc. Prof Raffaella Marghe Milani and Dr Luisa Perrino.
What is the aim of the course?