Commission on Narcotic Drugs 65th session Side Events- Tuesday

Commission on Narcotic Drugs 65th session Side Events- Tuesday

8.00 – 8.50 a.m (CET)

Preventive Drug Education: Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Organized by Singapore with the support of the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug Education and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

Evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs and living in closed settings in the MENA region

Organized by the UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa

In the Scope of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of NGOs in the Substance Use Treatment Services

Organized by the Udruzenje gradjana Zeleni polumjesec u Bosni i Hercegovini with the support of the Enosh – The Israeli Mental Health Association and the Verein Neubeginn

9.00 – 9.50 a.m (CET)

Collaboration with civil society and governments in drug policies

Organized by Lithuania with the support of the Czech Republic, and the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association

Introducing the Asia-Pacific Civil Society Common Position on Drugs

Organized by the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs with the support of Australia, and the Associacao de Tratamento de Toxicodependentes de Macau, the International Movement for Advancement of Education Culture Social & Economic Development, the Pakistan Youth Organization and the UNODC Civil Society Unit

Data-driven prevention programmes for Families

Organized by the Rotarian Action Group Addiction Prevention with the support of the Dianova International, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section, and the World Federation Against Drugs

Increasing Prevalence of Methamphetamine Use in Europe and Asia Regions

Organized by the Turkish Green Crescent Society with the support of the EURAD and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

Legalizing the Drug Wars: A Regulatory History of UN Drug Control

Organized by the World Society of Victimology with the support of Mexico, and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

The green wave hits Europe: recent cannabis regulation initiatives in Europe

Organized by the Forum Droghe Associazione Movimento per il Contenimento dei Danni with the support of Malta, and the Associazone Luca Coscioni, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Transnational Institute, the Washington Office on Latin America and Transform Drug policy Foundation

Understanding the Struggles and Successes of Female Substance Abusers in their Recovery Journey

Organized by the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association with the support of the International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse and the Turkish Green Crescent Society

12.15 – 13.05 p.m (CET)

Prevention of overdoses and drug-related deaths

Organized by the Netherlands with the support of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Slovenia, Sweden, and the European Union

Partnering for drug control - one decade of EU-Nigeria-UNODC cooperation to advance drug use prevention and control

Organized by Nigeria with the support of the European Union

Impact of cannabis legalization from a scientific perspective

Organized by the UNODC, Research and Trend Analysis Branch with the support of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy

Promoting sustainability in Alternative Development: Outcomes of the Expert Group Meeting on Alternative Development 2022

Organized by Germany with the support of Peru, Thailand, and the UNODC Sustainable Livelihoods Unit

Promoting a public health approach in addressing and countering the world drug problem

Organized by the World Health Organization

Strengthening anti-drug cooperation in the SCO space, supporting global drug control

Organized by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with the support of the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, and the UNODC Regional Section for Europe, West and Central Asia

Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Building Capacities to Combat Online Illegal Drug Trade in Eastern Europe

Organized by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Person-Centered Innovations in the Therapeutic Community

Organized by the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities with the support of the Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association, the Association Proyecto Hombre, the Dianova International, the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities, the Federación Latinoamericana de Comunidades Terapéuticas, the Federation of Therapeutic Communities in Asia and the Treatment Communities of America

Feasibility and need of life and social skills programmes in the context of COVID19 and lessons learned through the pandemic

Organized by the International Association of Lions Clubs with the support of the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

Preventing and investigating diversion of equipment used in the illicit manufacture of drugs: Guidance for policy makers

Organized by the Precursors Control Section of the International Narcotics Control Board with the support of Canada, Germany, Thailand, the United States, and the Europol

13.10 – 14.00 p.m (CET)

The Humanitarian approach to drug policy: opportunities and challenges for an effective cooperation between public authorities and health-based organizations

Organized by Italy with the support of the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, the International

Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs

Links between drugs and the environment

Organized by the UNODC Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs with the support of France and Germany

Early Prevention: Development of a New Paradigm

Organized by Slovenia with the support of Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Serbia, and the European Union, the Institute Utrip and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

Leaving no one behind: the EU’s rights-based and development-oriented approach to drug

policies in cooperation initiatives in Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean

Organized by Spain with the support of Germany, Paraguay, and the European Union and the European Union Delegation to Kyrgyzstan

Presentation of Annual Drug Review for 2021

Organized by Tajikistan

Human Rights: The Right to Equitable Health Social and Justice Remedies for People who use Drugs

Organized by Malta with the support of Canada, Portugal, Switzerland, and the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group

Community Empowerment in providing low-threshold & primary drug treatment

Organized by Indonesia with the support of Japan, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

The importance of pursuing the proceeds of crime within the drug trafficking value chain

Organized by Colombia

“Drug trafficking and illicit trafficking of firearms: a criminal market approach”

Organized by Mexico

Incorporation of Gender Perspective in Drug Policies

Organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States with the support of Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States

The Role of CARICC in combating drug trafficking, transnational organised and associated terrorism at regional and inter regional levels with particular focus on the Northern Route

Organized by the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors