Trust in Your Gut – Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Therapy and Relapse Prevention

Trust in Your Gut – Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Therapy and Relapse Prevention

Description: The Polyvagal Theory of Stephen Porges, PhD, has been with us for 25 years, but the practical application to therapy has been slow to develop. Porges’ research eloquently describes the dual role of the Vagus nerve in regulating the autonomic nervous system, and how it functions subliminally as part of our “social engagement system.” This workshop will explore how this seminal research can be operationalized to help patients recovering from substance use disorders, PTSD, attachment disorders and emotional dysregulation. This interactive presentation will explore how these autonomic responses can be brought into both cognitive and somatic awareness and turned into powerful tools for recovery and relapse prevention.

Presenter: Mike Bricker, MS, CADC II, NCAC II, LPC