Managing Drug & Alcohol Problems in Primary Care Conference

Managing Drug & Alcohol Problems in Primary Care Conference

The 25th Managing Drug and Alcohol Problems in Primary Care Conference will take place digitally on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 March 2021.

This conference will be recorded live and the sessions will be available for delegates to access freely for six months from the conference date.

Yes, it’s the Silver Anniversary of this long-running conference. At a time when the sands are shifting so much beneath us, it’s good to have an event that has stood the test of time. This year the event will be digital only but we will make sure it is interactive with plenty of opportunity for Q&A using CrowdComms, an integrated conference platform that will host two full days of plenaries, workshops and networking opportunities. We’re confident this conference will inspire and share best practice as it has done in previous years, but also get encouragement from different areas around the UK and learn how it is still possible to provide effective and safe services.

This joint RCGP and SMMGP conference is the largest event in the UK for GPs, shared care workers, nurses and other primary care staff, specialists, commissioners and researchers interested in, and involved with the management of drug and alcohol users in primary care.

Learning objectives: 

  • Increase understanding of current interventions for the prevention, assessment and treatment of alcohol and other drug problems
  • Increase understanding of what interventions are possible to deliver in primary care and what requires specialist help
  • Increase knowledge of drug and alcohol policies in the UK and how they are implemented in primary care
  • Increase knowledge of the link between multiple needs, health inequalities and drug and alcohol use