Qualitative Methods Journal Club
This is the fourth in a series of Qualitative Methods Journal Clubmeetings hosted by Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Substance Use Research Group, organised by the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN). The Journal Club is funded by the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA).
We will be discussing the following paper:
Thurnell-Read, T. 2011. ‘Common-sense’ research: Senses, emotions and embodiment in researching stag tourism in Eastern Europe. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(3), pp.39-49.
Available from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.4256/mio.2011.005
When reading, please consider / reflect on:
- The topic: the 'collective masculine experience' of the stag weekend
- Using participant observation to collect data
- The role of reflexivity in qualitative research
- Paying attention to emotions, bodily sensations and the senses (e.g. taste, smell, sounds) in alcohol research
Please read and reflect on this paper before the meeting
There is a capacity limit to encourage active and fruitful participation.
The final two meetings will be on Wednesday 24 March and Tuesday 20 April (also 2-3:15pm).