Alcohol Problems, Policy and Practice
Submitted by Edie
The Addictions Department at King's and the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies are holding a week-long course bringing together leading experts from across the UK.
The event will cover issues in alcohol use and policy, alcohol harms and treatment, the role of the alcohol industry, and the influences of comorbidity and social inequalities.
Leading academics from King's and across the 13 universities in the UKCTAS will present and discuss the latest evidence.
Topics covered
- The aetiology of alcohol problems including biological and cultural factors and the influence of co-morbidity and social inequalities
- The history of, and current issues in, conceptualising alcohol use, problems and the development of alcohol policy in the UK and internationally
- Alcohol harms in terms of morbidity and mortality amongst individual drinkers and related harms to others and at societal level
- Population-level alcohol policy options, their goals, evidence base, contribution to reducing alcohol-related harm and cost-effectiveness: alcohol pricing, marketing and availability
- The role of the alcohol industry in relation to alcohol problems and policy
- How individual alcohol consumption, problems and disorders are defined and identified