Web seminar: Cycle of conferences of the Institute for the care and prevention of ADDICTIONS in the city of MEXICO (IAPA) 2018.

Web seminar: Cycle of conferences of the Institute for the care and prevention of ADDICTIONS in the city of MEXICO (IAPA) 2018.

For care and prevention of addictions Institute invites you to attend the seminar webmediante WebEx. Registration is required for this event.

Topic: Cycle of conferences of the Institute for the care and prevention of ADDICTIONS in the city of MEXICO (IAPA) 2018.
Organizer: Institute for care and prevention of addictions
Date and time:
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:00 am, DST of Mexico (city of Mexico, GMT-05:00)

To register for the event online
1. go to https://iapa.webex.com/iapa-sp/onstage/g.php?MTID=e57e0ab1d8b88fbc17aed44808b5b7067
2. click "Register".
3. in the registration form, enter the information and click "Submit".

When the organizer has approved the registration, you will receive a message with instructions to enter the event.

To get help
Please contact Institute for care and prevention of addictions by sending a message to:
agonzalezg [at] cdmx [dot] gob [dot] mx (agonzalezg[at]cdmx[dot]gob[dot]mx)