III Regional meeting for drug abuse prevention
The League ONLINE prevention Araraquara invites everyone to participate for free from III Regional meeting for drug abuse prevention under the theme: "Women, Mothers, Children and prevention: a look at chemical dependency women". The event will be held on May 5, 8:00 to 12:00, in Mário de Andrade Library. Entries must be made by email: ligadaprevencaoararaquara [at] gmail [dot] com, stating name, full address, phone number and area of expertise.
The meeting is open to all interested, as parents of young people and adolescents and professionals in General, the independent. The discussions will be conducted by the panelists, Carina Nasser, Mirian Onofre and Margarete Valentine. The opportunity will be launched the new book from writer Laura Maffei, under the title: the deep end to the recovery. Laura will also make the Roundtable.
Service-III meeting for drug abuse prevention:
Venue: Municipal Library of Araraquara "Mario de Andrada"
Date: May 5
Opening hours: 8:00 to 12:00
Registration: by e-mail: ligadaprevençaoararaquara [at] gmail [dot] com
Input: 2 liters of milk.