Cellular and molecular basis of behavior

Cellular and molecular basis of behavior

Monday 23 April 2018, 12:00 pm (time of the city of Mexico)

Coordinates: Ranulfo Romo (ECN)

Professor: John Lerma (Instituto de Neurociencias, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and the Universidad Miguel Hernández, San Juan de Alicante, Spain)

The brain is probably the most perfect and complicated machine that nature has given us. Currently, studies on this body have been a revolution, as difficult to predict as regular. However, brain diseases (mental odegenerativas) remain an important component of social suffering, whose understanding and cure are one of the greatest social challenges.

One of the most exciting goals neuroscientists is to understand how behaviour is generated. Revealing the cellular basis and molecular behavior has been a myth for more than one century, and now is when we begin to understand how this is possible and how its operation will cause malfunctions common to various mental diseases behavioral. This Conference will be reviewed some of these key findings and their implications for the present and future of society.