Profile picture for user sajjadbalti2000 Sajjad Hussain Mirpur university of science and technology MUST
Profile picture for user youthnarcotics Syed Zulfiqar Hussain Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) & Drug Advisory Training Hub(DATH)
Profile picture for user zainabbhutto Zainab Hussain Bhutto Institute of Professional Psychology Bahria University
Profile picture for user dr.m.ibrahim1994 Dr.Muhammad Ibrahim BIPBS (Balochistan Institute of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
Profile picture for user ibrahimiyaqoob Mohammad Yaqoob Ibrahimi Social Services for AfghanWomen (SSAWO)
Profile picture for user nazsha38 Dr. Nazish Idrees Chaudhary Grace International Rehabilitation Center, The University of Lahore & Teaching Hospital, Issup Pakistan,
Profile picture for user umeriftikhar007andahalf Umer Iftikhar Aiman Rehabilitation and medical center
Profile picture for user naziaiftikhar13 Nazia Iftikhar Ali Medical Center F8 Markaz Islamabad ,IPS and Drug Rehab center
Profile picture for user kiran.iftikhar300 Kiran Iftikhar (clinical psychologist) Government College University, Lahore
Profile picture for user javaria.hussain Javaria Iftikhar Hussain Butt Govt. College Women University, Sialkot