Globální výzkum mapující poruchy a léčbu užívání návykových látek 1971–2017: Důsledky pro stanovení priorit
Poruchy spojené s užíváním návykových látek jsou celosvětově rozšířené a zůstávají pro systémy zdravotní péče neřešitelným problémem veřejného zdraví. Cílem této studie je poskytnout globální obraz výzkumu poruch...
Enfermería en adicciones: El modelo teórico de H. Peplau a través de los patrones funcionales de M. Gordon. A propósito de un caso práctico.
Estudio de un caso práctico de un usuario de un centro ambulatorio de atención a drogodependencias a través de los patrones funcionales de salud de M. Gordon desde el modelo de H. Peplau.
Material y métodos
The Society for the Study of Addiction Professorship
The Society’s key goals are to promote effective policy and practice and to support the development of stronger addiction science.
Through its Academic Fellowship scheme, launched in 2012, the Society is enabling high-calibre early and...
Socioekonomické nerovnosti při poskytování krátkých intervencí pro kouření a nadměrné pití: Zjištění z průřezového průzkumu domácností v Anglii
Cíle: Krátké intervence (BI) pro kouření a rizikové pití jsou účinné a nákladově efektivní politické přístupy ke snížení škod způsobených alkoholem, které se v současné době používají v primární péči v Anglii; o jejich...
Rethinking Addiction
Addiction is a complex and challenging condition with many contributing factors. Although addictive behaviors appear to be individual choices, behavior alterations cannot be addressed successfully without considering...
Atlas tabáku
Alcohol Misuse in the Armed Forces
Best Practices for Successful Reentry for People Who Have Opioid Addictions
Mindful Body Awareness Training as Part of Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
Webinar: How Do Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Affect Young People?
This webinar will present an update on research into co-occurring mental and substance use disorders among young people in Australia.
It will ask:
- how many young people experience co-occurring mental and substance use disorders?
- What is...
Effectiveness Bank Additions: Therapy Relationships that Work 4: Managing Perceptions of the Treatment
Clients’ perceptions of and reactions to treatment are the focus of this final of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association. Emerging from psychotherapy research worldwide are practical and effective...
Differences in Service Utilization and Barriers among Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites with Drug Use Disorders
Treatment for drug use disorders (DUD) can be effective, but only a small proportion of people with DUD seek or receive treatment. Research on racial and ethnic treatment differences and disparities remains unclear...
Combining Medically Assisted Treatment and Twelve-Step Programming: A Perspective and Review
Background: People with severe substance use disorders require long-term rehabilitative care after the initial treatment. There is, however, a deficit in the availability of such care. This may be due both to inadequate medical...
A Conceptual Model for Understanding Post-Release Opioid-Related Overdose Risk
Post-release opioid-related overdose mortality is the leading cause of death among people released from jails or prisons (PRJP). Informed by the proximate determinants framework, this paper presents the Post-Release Opioid...
Cues Give Clues in Relapse Prevention
More than 85% of people who give up an addictive drug begin using it again within a year. Relapse can occur following exposure to cues that are found in the environment which trigger the memory of their drug-taking experience. These cues...
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Substance Use Disorder
Introduction and Aims
Cognitive impairments in substance use disorder predict treatment outcome and are assumed to differ between substances. They often go undetected, thus the current study focuses on the prevalence of and...
Drug Use In Nigeria
Tobacco Smoking and Mortality in Asia: A Pooled Meta-Analysis
Key Points
Question: How are secular trends of tobacco smoking associated with mortality across countries or regions by birth cohorts in Asia?
Findings: This pooled meta-analysis of 1 002 258 participants in 20 prospective cohort...
Effectiveness Bank Additions: Therapy Relationships that Work 2: Elements of the Alliance
Second of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association featuring expert advice and amalgamations of research findings on different aspects of the client-therapist relationship. With the overview of the...