
The ISSUP Gambia National Chapter joined the rest of the world on Sunday, June 26th, 2022 to celebrate the International Day Against
The project to create Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self-Led courses began in 2018. Learn more about this ground-breaking project in a guest article from the Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC).
We are pleased to share details of our intention to establish a National Chapter in Guatemala.
Este lunes 11 de julio, a las 20:00 hrs. se realizará la reunión académica del Grupo de Trabajo de Adicciones de Sonepsyn, junto a ISSUP-Chile.
Desde 2019 a Associação ISSUP Brasil e o Ministério da Cidadania, através da Secretaria Nacional de Cuidados e Prevenção às Drogas - SENAPRED tem trabalhado em conjunto por meio da celebração de um Acordo de Cooperação Técnica (ACT), com o objetivo de realizar estudos,
We have a fascinating selection of webinars lined up for July.
The theme for this year was 'Protecting our young people from drugs is our greatest commitment to the future!' Over 1,500 in-person attendees came together for the four-day Congress.
Campinas, uma cidade preocupada com a Prevenção do uso problemático de álcool e outras drogas, sediou um dos maiores Congressos sobre drogadição do mundo de 15 a 18 de junho de 2022.
Theme: Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises Theme of the webinar: Interface of drug prevention and vulnerabilities of young people in Uganda Prevention in the context of vulnerable young people (Evidence-based Family based interventions) Date: Friday 1st July 2022 Time: 11am – 12:30pm (EAT)
El Capítulo Nacional de ISSUP Perú en coordinación con las instituciones integrantes como el Ministerio de Salud , DEVIDA Perú, la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, la @Embajada de Estados Unidos en Perú y CARE Perú, en cumplimiento del Plan de Acción 2022, ha programado el evento en el marco del “Día internacional de Lucha contra el uso indebido y el tráfico Ilícito de drogas”.