United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC is mandated to assist Member States in addressing the issues of drugs, crime and terrorism. Working in cooperation with our partners and through our network of field offices, UNODC helps Member States facing urgent problems including smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons, wildlife crime, maritime crime, cybercrime and trafficking in illicit drugs, firearms and cultural property. Further, UNODC seeks to combat corruption, reinforce efforts to prevent and counter terrorism, and enhance alternative development and access to controlled substances for medical purposes, promote evidence-based approaches to drug use prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as HIV and AIDS. The Office has a strong collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) to reinforce the need to put public health at the core of all responses to the world drug problem. 

The three pillars of the UNODC work programme are:

  1. Field-based technical cooperation projects to enhance the capacity of Member States to counteract illicit drugs, crime and terrorism
  2. Research and analytical work to increase knowledge and understanding of drugs and crime issues and expand the evidence base for policy and operational decisions
  3. Normative work to assist States in the ratification and implementation of the relevant international treaties, the development of domestic legislation on drugs, crime and terrorism, and the provision of secretariat and substantive services to the treaty-based and governing bodies.

UNODC Strategic Vision for Africa 2020-2030

On entering the Decade of Action 2030, UNODC recognizes the need to increase efforts in Africa. UNODC proposes adopting a ‘business unusual’ approach in order to support Africa towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and...

Call for Speakers: Webinars on the World Drug Report 2020

The VNGOC together with the UNODC Civil Society Team will be holding a series of webinars to present and discuss the World Drug Report 2020, which was launched on 26th June. We are looking for civil society speakers wishing to present at...

World Drug Day

The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, also known as 'World Drug Day', is celebrated annually on 26 June. The theme of World Drug Day 2020 is "Better Knowledge for Better Care." The field of addressing the drug...

Treatnet Family Therapy Feasibility Study in Vietnam

Following the successful feasibility study in Indonesia on family therapy for youths with drug use disorders, Vietnam is the second country that rolls out a similar study as a way to offer more evidence-based, effective treatment...

UNODC online launch of Toolkit on Stakeholder Engagement for the Implementation of UNTOC

Event Date

In the context of UNODC Civil Society Team's project "Stakeholder Engagement for the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) - SE4U, its Review Mechanism and related activities," a Needs Assessment Workshop was organized in October 2019 for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), academics, and the private sector, to identify the landscape of relevant stakeholders, their needs and understanding of their role in supporting Me

Обученные УНП ООН специалисты по лечению и уходу оказывают неоценимую поддержку людям с расстройствами, вызванными потреблением наркотиков в Бухарской области Узбекистана вовремя COVID-19

Введение карантинных мер в Бухарской области Республики Узбекистан крайне затруднило оказание услуг по лечению наркозависимости населению региона. Это отрицательно сказалось на качестве жизни людей с расстройствами, вызванными потреблением...
Психо-социальная помощь во время COVID-19, Узбекистан