HepHIV2019 Conference

HepHIV2019 Conference

The HepHIV2019 conference, which is organised jointly with the 3-year EU funded joint action INTEGRATE, will take place 28-30 January 2019 in Bucharest, Romania.

The theme of the conference is the Challenges of Timely and Integrated Testing and Care.

The main objectives of the HepHIV 2019 conference are to:

  • Provide an overview of innovative initiatives and best practices on optimal testing and earlier care for HIV and viral hepatitis from different settings across Europe, including progress and challenges in the integration of services.
  • Provide opportunities for multi-stakeholder dialogue to develop creative solutions to unresolved challenges in research and implementation of HIV and viral hepatitis, TB and STI policies and programmes to improve early diagnosis and care.
  • Sustain and fuel the political discussion of testing policies, increase political commitment and public awareness by discussing how to translate global and regional goals, objectives and targets into local implementation plans 

Registration is now open!