Webinar on Integrating UTC Into Clinical Practice

Ecolink UTC Alumni Association of the Ecolink Institute will be hosting an International Webinar on "Integrating UTC into Clinical Practice" in collaboration with the ISSUP-India Chapter on October 2, 2021 at 4 PM (IST). All those UTC Certified ISSUP members are welcome to participate. E-Certificates will be provided.
In the past decade, The Colombo Plan's Basic Universal Training Curriculum (UTC) sought to increase knowledge, shape attitudes and initiate skill development in the individual worker.
In this webinar, we describe the process by which organisations can :
Examine interventions in light of the continuum of care;
Integrate evidence based practices;
Redesign psycho-education group methodology and content and
Enhance professionalism in the workplace drawing from their code of ethics.
Dr.Thirumagal V
Global Master Trainer
With 35 years of experience in the SUD field, V.Thirumagal, Ph.D from India has been part of Colombo Plan’s training efforts in 20 countries. Drawing from her extensive clinical experience, programme assessment and quality enhancement initiatives, she has designed training curricula for Colombo Plan, UNODC and other agencies.