Substance Use Treatment and Stigma in Afghanistan: Challenges and Solutions

ISSUP Afghanistan would like to invite you to their next Webinar which will include an introduction and basic information on the concept of stigma related to substance use treatment and recovery.
Time: 2PM Afghanistan | 10:30AM UK
Register for the Webinar
Substance abuse including heroin and prescription opioid addictions is a key challenge for Afghanistan health sector. Treatment capacity and service provision is extremely limited and evidence based treatment and quality of treatment needs further attention. From the other side, social barriers and traditional response to substance use puts further negative impacts on treatment outcomes. Substance use treatment is associated with an overwhelming social stigma.
This webinar aims to build awareness on stigma and how substance use professionals need to tackle stigma and criminalization during different stages of their services. Stigma of addiction is a key barrier towards help seeking, admission to treatment and recovery and adherence to drug free life in Afghanistan.
A coordinated approach is needed to seek family and community support in treatment of substance use and combating stigma. This can improve treatment seeking behavior and, in some cases, can prevent further progression of substance use dependence.
Learning Outcomes:
A better understanding of how stigma affects treatment seeking and recovery in drug users and how a better counter stigma strategy can can support treatment goals, pursuit of sobriety and its role in building a solid recovery.
1. 'Effects of Stigma on SUD Treatment'
Dr Mohammad Samin Stanikzai,
MoPH Provincial Coordinator for Drug Demand Reduction, National Trainer
2. 'Evidence Based Approaches to Stigma'
Dr Irshad Mansoor,
ISSUP Afghanistan President