Conference "opiate: the medical use to the epidemic of overdose"

Conference "opiate: the medical use to the epidemic of overdose"

Dear compañeras and compañeros:

Hereby I send invitation for research seminars in the field of addictions (IAPA-DIE). We will have the Conference entitled:

"Opiate: the medical use to the " " overdose epidemic."

Presented by:

Maestro. Raúl Martín de el Campo

Member of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).

The seminar will be held Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 16:15 hrs on the premises of the IAPA, Rio Mixcoac 234, Cologne, "Janis Joplin" room, 2nd floor.

We look forward to your kind assistance, we ask you to register your presence email: red [dot] investigadores [dot] iapa [at] gmail [dot] com (red[dot]investigadores[dot]iapa[at]gmail[dot]com) , complete including your name and institution of origin, given that we have space is limited.