Online Prevention Plus Wellness Program Training Opportunities

St. Augustine/Florida
United States
Event Type



Online Prevention Plus Wellness Program Training Opportunities

One-Session Youth & Parent Substance Use Prevention Plus Wellness Programs: Free Webinar

Session Objectives:

  1. Describe substance use Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) screening & brief interventions for youth and parents.
  2. Identify unique characteristics of PPW programs allowing them to broadly prevent substance use while improving the mental and physical health of youth and young adults.
  3. Review research and theory supporting brief interventions that integrate SU prevention with wellness promotion.
  4. List new adaptations to PPW programs increasing their flexibility and practicality for use in-person and online.


Length: 60 minutes 

Date: Wednesday May 5th                     

Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT 

CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar

Learn more about PPW:


Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness Online Program Implementer Training

Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the critical need for multiple health risk behavior interventions that integrate substance use prevention with wellness promotion (i.e., Prevention Plus Wellness programs), as well as their components, underpinning models, research findings, and steps for implementation and evaluation.
  2. Identify and practice correctly implementing the Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness program to individuals (one-on-one) and groups of youth with fidelity using the program scripts and instructor’s survey. 
  3. Identify pre-posttest surveys and other tools for assessing program fidelity and efficacy. 
  4. Explore strategies and resources for tailoring your program, promoting your program, providing follow up lessons, and implementing your program online. 

Cost: $199/person

Length: 2-hours 

Date & Time: 

  • Tuesday May 4th 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT             

CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing workshop

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Prevention Plus Wellness Program Online Training of Trainer Session

Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the goal, objectives and steps for providing PPW Program Implementer Training using the PPW Program Implementer Workshop Agenda.    
  2. Discuss, practice and rate self-efficacy of each training skill, including ensuring pre-workshop training requirements, demonstrating program implementation scripts, overseeing participant’s practicing (role playing), describing implementation resources and strategies, identifying pre-posttest surveys and other evaluation tools and assigning participants a post-training assignment.
  3. Describe and agree to the rights and responsibilities of TOTs. 

Cost: $349/person

Length: 2-hours 

Date & Time: 

  • Thursday May 6th 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT             

CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing workshop

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