6th Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference

6th Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference

The Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference is designed for all professionals looking to increase their knowledge, discover more about industry practice and improve the lives of all individuals impacted by addiction.

By providing a forum for professionals to gather and discuss ideas, challenges, developments and successes in diagnoses, treatment and recovery, we aim to provide the platform for great change.

The Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference is hosted by the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, a non-government, not-for-profit association dedicated to the education, advancement and advocacy of our mental health industry.

Location: Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.
For more information: https://addictionaustralia.org.au/

In the event that Australian restrictions prevent the organisation from delivering our conference in a traditional face to face manner, they will be progressing via our online hosting platform.