
Ochrana lidí před užíváním tabáku pro generace bez tabáku: Iniciativa bez tabáku Pákistán

ISSUP Pákistán by vás rád pozval k účasti na tomto webináři o ochraně před užíváním tabáku.: Iniciativa bez tabáku Pákistán

New Psychoactive Substances – Designer Benzodiazepines

ISSUP Pakistan would like to invite you to their Webinar on New Psychoactive Substances – Designer Benzodiazepines.

Role of Psychologist in Rehabilitation Center

📣 ISSUP Pakistan Chapter is going to conduct Live Session on "ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGIST IN


ISSUP Pakistan Chapter is going to conduct Live Session on "CHALLENGES IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN GILGIT BALTISTAN, PAKISTAN" on 27th January, 2023 3-4pm PKT

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter is going to conduct a live session on "CHALLENGES IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN GILGIT BALTISTAN, PAKISTAN" on Friday, 27th January 2023, Time: 3-4 pm Pakistan Time from ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's & Youth Forum Pakistan's Facebook Pages, YouTube Channels and Twitter with Guest Speaker Dr. Sadiq Hussain. He is Ph.D.


Live Session on "SUCIDE AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER" conducted by ISSUP Pakistan Chapter on 21-01-2023

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter conducted Live Session on "SUCIDE AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER" from ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's & Youth Forum Pakistan's Facebook Pages, YouTube Channels and Twitter with Guest Speaker Dr. Talat Habib Medical Doctor/MBBS, National Trainer by CPDAP & UNODC, Director ISSUP Pakistan Chapter,


ISSUP Pakistan Chapter is going to conduct Live Session on "CHALLENGES IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN GILGIT BALTISTAN, PAKISTAN" on 27th January, 2023 3-4pm PKT.

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter is going to conduct a live session on "CHALLENGES IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN GILGIT BALTISTAN, PAKISTAN" 


Seminar on "Substance Use Prevention Among Youth" on December 8th, 2022 at National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad-Pakistan

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter organized a seminar on "Substance Use Prevention Among Youth" following the theme "Addressing Drug Challenges in Health and Humanitarian Crises" in collaboration with TABA NUST SDG Student Hub NUST at the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad-Pakistan.


Celebration of National Recovery Month 2022

Celebration of National Recovery Month 2022



Nadcházející události ISSUP Pákistán

01- Jednodenní workshop o zvládání stresu

27. září 2022 

Místo konání: Main Office Rescue 1122 Kutchary Road Sialkot

02 - Na oslavu Měsíce národní obnovy 2022


Změna pohledu lidí na užívání a zotavení návykových látek

"Zotavení je pro každého: pro každého člověka. Každá rodina. Každá komunita. 

30. září 2022

Organizátor: ISSUP Pákistán, Oddělení sociální péče Vláda Paňdžábu

Nadace M A Jinnah


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